Poland Page

We met in Drobin-Poland from 4-8 June 2012


The second meeting of the Project “Culture; Indicator of the Nations Assets” took place in Poland, in the town of Drobin, from 4th to 8th June 2012.

In the meeting partner schools were represented as following:

-         Turkey – 4 teachers: İsmet Erdal, Fadime Hilal Sevim, Hacer Ipekoglu, Kenan Akdemir; and 4 students: Merve Çiragoz, Sadık Emre Kesler, Enes Şenbagci, Müzeyyen Seren Bayulken.

-         Bulgaria – 3 teachers:  Zonka Ivanova Dabizheva, Milena Ivanova Pashova, Valeria Georgieva Petrova, and 6 students: Iliyana Stefanova  Hrishcheva, Krasimira Georgieva Todorova, Eleonora Dimitrova Pezheva, Nergis Nafi Chalieva, Mariana Georgieva Bambalova, Nina Iordanova Pepechkova.

-         Czech Republic – 4 teachers: Daniela Köllnerová, Richard Moldrzyk, Dagmar Nogová, Jaromír Dümler, and 12 students: Sebastian Legerski, Petr Koštur, Dominika Šmídová, Lenka Mitrengová, Adéla Hladká, Barbora Bruková, Daniel Siwek, Nicole Follnerová, Michaela Sikorová, David Svoboda, Robin Zoň, Soňa Alexová.

On the 3rd June the representation of host school met the partners at the airport and at the Central Station in Warsaw. Firstly, we welcomed groups of participants from Bulgaria and Czech Republic and having two free hours before the arrival of Turkish group, Bulgarian and Czech partners were sightseeing the old town of Warsaw. In the evening, we picked up our Turkish partners. Students were taken home by the hosting families in Drobin and teachers went to the hotel in Płock – the nearest city.

The first day -  4th June in the host school: Publiczne Gimnazjum im. Marszałka Józefa Piłsudskiego the meeting programme started with the opening ceremony. The headmaster Miss. Bożena Woźniak welcomed the guests and after that the group of children was singing, dancing in folk clothes and playing the instruments especially for our partners.

At nearly 10 o’clock, after inauguration, all the participants gathered in the meeting room where coffee, tea and some snacks were prepared for the guests. We started conducting tasks resulting from the project. Students from each country showed and discussed presentations about disabled people’s education and after that there was a panel discussion about discrimination between genders. Czech students took the floor the most.

After working session we went to lunch and later there was a meeting with local authorities  - the Mayor of Drobin Mr. Sławomir Wiśniewski. Mr. Wisniewski welcomed the project partners and gave a speech about local society and town.

The last point of that opening day was a visit in  The Scout Song And Dance Ensemble called “Dzieci Płocka” http://www.dzieciplocka.pl/english.  Students and teachers had the possibility to listen about Polish folk dances and songs and also practice some dances. It was a great fun especially for students.

The second day – 5th June – We went to the city Toruń, the place where Nicolaus Copernicus was born. We were sightseeing the Medieval monuments of old town and we visited the Gingerbread Museum where students baked their own gingerbreads. After museum we had a cruise on the river Vistula.

In the late afternoon we returned to the area of Drobin and on the beautiful farm where disabled people work, an exhibition of Polish cuisine was prepared. The local authorities, teachers, parents and students were waiting for the guests coming back from Toruń. Everybody could try specials of  Polish cuisine, popular salads and desserts.

In the evening all participants went to the school in Drobin to see the show of “Harry Potter” performed in English by school theatre group. Some special effects took place in the performance in which chemistry teacher helped to conduct.

The third day – 6th June – The whole group of participants together with Polish students and teachers went to visit Auschwitz – Birkenau Museum. Thanks to museum guide, guests had a chance to get to know the cruelty of Nazism during World War II  that took place in Poland.

The fourth day – 7th June – We visited one of the most beautiful and rich of monumental sights cities: Cracow. The group walked along the historic center of Cracow with a tour-guide, who explained in details the history of the city and of the surroundings. After dinner in a restaurant, teachers had a short meeting which was a summary of the project visit in Poland. All the teams talked about their satisfaction with the attention they get during visit .Also they added that Poland did their best in being host.The lenght of  he distances among the locations which were visited  was found some irritating.The students were very satisfied with their family and friends and there weren’t any problems during the visit.

It was emphasized by Turkey that on the first day of the visiting ,there would be an introductory meeting which was aimed to give infos about the visiting program.

It was also emphasized that all the activities were found very successfull,everybody had at least an impression or widely had a broaden knowledge about the themes - special education and relationship and discrimination between boys and girls-which was found very useful. For the purpose of the project new places, new people, new cultures, were seen and  it helped as a major contributor to the students  get to know about the World.Polish cousine ‘s presentation which was all prepared by the disabled people were found very meaningfull.

The products or outputs of the presentation about the special education and the panel about the relationship and discrimination between boys and girls will be sent to Poland until at the end of the June 2012.

 The infos about the national cousines will be sent to the cordinator till the end of the July 2012 and the cordinator will load the infos to the web page.

A writing included the national folk music and fok dances information will be sent to the cordinator before the Czech Republic visiting .

Opinions of teachers and students about the Poland visiting will be sent to the cordinator till the end of June 2012.

Photos and videos about the Poland visiting will be loaded to the wep page by Poland.(www.cultureina.org)

 The third visiting will be held on 8-12 October 2012 in Czeh Republic, and a play about the related theem will be performed . By the way every country will inform the Chezch Republic about the duration of their plays.

 The fifth day – 8th June – The last day the of the project meeting was spent at parting. We went to Warsaw and shopping in the mall, after that we said goodbye to our Bulgarian and Czech partners. Turkish group came back to Płock and spent the evening on walking and relaxing. They departed Poland the next day.

more photos https://picasaweb.google.com/101378350365222353413