Домакин на четвъртата и последна среща с училища от Турция,Полша и Чехия по проект Коменски - "Culture-Indicator of the nations assets" беше Професионалната гимназия по облекло-Пазарджик. Проектът стартира през 2011г.
От 14 април до 20 април гостите - учители и
ученици, имаха възможност да посетят столицата София,Велико Търново -музея на
восъчните фигури,Самоводската чаршия и крепостта "Царевец". Успяха да се
докоснат и до някогашните занаяти в "Етъра".Учениците от Полша ,Чехия и Турция
бяха настанени в семейства на учениците от ПГО. Всички са очаровани от красивата
ни природа,гостоприемство и чувството за хумор,което притежава
българина.Харесват Пазарджик повече от всеки друг ,най-вече парк -остров"
Свобода".Срещнаха се с зам.-кмета П.Петров.
Финалът на проекта беше в ресторант"Елбрус",където всяка страна представи характерна фолклорна песен и танц - една от дейностите по проекта. Като домакини учениците играха няколко етюда от Хитър Петър на английски,тъй като езика на проекта е английски.Представителен танцов състав "Чудесия " впечатли гостите с блестящото си изпълнение и професионализъм.След концерта гостите за пореден път вкусиха от ястията на българската кухня ,а дискотеката допринесе за изживяване само на положителни емоции .
Проектът е към своя край,но всички са единодушни,че партньорството ще продължи отново в нов бъдещ проект.
Friday: 19th May 2013
Friday was the last day of the project Comenius in the Czech Republic. In the morning at six o´clock we escorted the Polish and Czech partners to the airport Sofia. We said goodbye to Czech partners and with Polish we visited The Mall in Sofia to spend some time and to buy something from Bulgaria.Their flight was at 2.p.m..
Финалът на проекта беше в ресторант"Елбрус",където всяка страна представи характерна фолклорна песен и танц - една от дейностите по проекта. Като домакини учениците играха няколко етюда от Хитър Петър на английски,тъй като езика на проекта е английски.Представителен танцов състав "Чудесия " впечатли гостите с блестящото си изпълнение и професионализъм.След концерта гостите за пореден път вкусиха от ястията на българската кухня ,а дискотеката допринесе за изживяване само на положителни емоции .
Проектът е към своя край,но всички са единодушни,че партньорството ще продължи отново в нов бъдещ проект.
Comenius project meeting in Bulgaria-Pazardzhik 14-19
April 2013
Project report
The Vocational
school on clothing in Pazardzhik is one of the four schools involved in the
international programme called Comenius. There are other countries as Turkey,
Poland and the Czech Republic.. The main idea of this project is “ Culture,
Indicator of the Nations Assets“. The three friendly visits took place in
Turkey ( October 2011) , in Poland ( June 2012)and in the Czech Republic
(October 2012) .After sending othe
letters of invitation we made the progaramme about our meeting in Bulgaria for all visitors to feel well and show them not only our capital - Sofia, but also our
ancient capital Veliko Tarnovo and
our town called Pazardzhik.The
topic of our meeting was” Folk dances and folk music”.
Sunday: 14th April 2013
On Sunday 14th
April 2013 our bulgarian participants in the Comenius project went to Sofia at the airport to welcome the participants from Poland -1.55 p.m.,from The Czech Republic
-20.05 p.m.Our coordinator from Turkey arrived at the bus station at 6.pm. We
were accommodated at the hotel in Bulgarian Red Cross –Lozen next to Sofia in Lozen mountain.We were full of experiences and emotions from our
last meetings in Turkey , Poland and the Czech Republic that we shared with our
international friends. Some students joined to the project Comenius at the
first time, so we had an opportunity to make new friends.
Monday: 15th April 2013
After breakfast and our project meeting we
travelled to National Palace of Culture in Sofia where we saw the exhibition „ The miracles of
Bulgaria „.Afer that we visited 144 Secondary School „Narodni buditeli”-Sofia, where
we enjoyed the beautiful folk songs and dances
of the students . We had lunch in a school cantine.
We wanted to show some interesting places in Sofia – we
saw for example a changing of the guards
of the President.,the monument of St Sofia, the cathedral Alexander Nevski ,
the church” St Nedelia”, the Mosque and other interesting Sofia’s places .We stayed another evening in the Bg Red
Cross accomodation where we had dinner
with typical bulgarian meals with the
pleasant athmosphere.After the dinner we talked about our activities on the programme and we amused together.
The students were very happy to create new relationships and to practice
their english.
Tuesday: 16th April 2013
Early in the morning on Tuesday we travelled
for Veliko Tarnovo.We –all together- stayed at the hotel „ Boliari” who is located in the old town. Our partners enjoyed of the magic view
of the town and the colourful houses built on the
three hils. After the lunch we visited the museum of the wax statues –it is the
only one in the Balkan peninsula . There
we saw and felt the atmosphere of the
Second Bulgarian kingdom. The students took some photots with the wax statues. We
visited the Samovodski market, the old town,the monument of St
brothers Peter and Assen and the other
places in action. The guests had the
opportunity to buy some typical souvenirs from Bulgaria.We visited some
traditional Bulgarian pub in
Arbanassi-next to Veliko Tarnovo, where the partners tasted again our Bulgarian
cuisine. We danced together some typical dance.It was very amazing for the students too because they took part
actively on dancing. briefly
outlined the programme of the next few days. After that the students of the
fourth year of graduation talked the
English presentation about Český Těšín. There was also a
Wednesday: 17th April 2013
The Wednesday morning we visited the castle –fortress „Tsarevets”in V.Tarnovo..We
took our suitcases from the hotel and we traveled for our town
Pazardzhik.During the trip we stopped and visited the complex „Etar”,we eated in
fish restaurant.Our partners approved
that Bulgarian cuisine is delicious especially the Shopska salad..In the
afternoon we were in our town. The family of the students waited to
say welcometo our guests.The
teachers stayed at the hotel „Hebar”- Pazardzhik.Our students and their guests visited our parc-garden Liberty .
Thursday: 18th April 2013
It was our official day.We were welcomed our partners at our school-with bulgarian tradition -bread and herbal salt.We had the project meeting in our project meeting room.Our partners visited some classrooms and saw our students.We talked about our educational system and we presented the most interesting achievements of our students. We, Bulgarians we must make a booklet – traditonal cuisine recipes from our partners. Students and teachers played together basket- ball,volley- ball and tennis.It was really nice and emotional.
It was our official day.We were welcomed our partners at our school-with bulgarian tradition -bread and herbal salt.We had the project meeting in our project meeting room.Our partners visited some classrooms and saw our students.We talked about our educational system and we presented the most interesting achievements of our students. We, Bulgarians we must make a booklet – traditonal cuisine recipes from our partners. Students and teachers played together basket- ball,volley- ball and tennis.It was really nice and emotional.
We had lunch in a restaurant in Pazardzhik and
at 3 o’clock p.m. we visited our Mayor,who was very impressed by our mutual
work during the two years.. The best part of our meeting was the concert –Folk
dances and folk music-at restaurant Elbrus in our town,where every country danced and songed a traditional folk dance and music.They
danced also together the dance of every country.As a host country our students
played the performances on the bulgarian
heroe Hitar Petar ,famous with his jokes
and mindfullness.Every students danced
and played with a lot of desir and emotion.The atmosphere was great .The guests of our concert was the Chef of Regional Directory of the Education-
Pazardzhik.-Mr Y.Chalakov,The expert of
foreign languages –Mrs V.Boeva,parents ,friends and the school
staff. traditional pub called Raťkovský šenk. There was the excellent performance of the Folk dancing
group „Chudessia”, won many international prizes . The rest of the
evening was fulled by dancing, singing,
eating typical Bulgarian food and
enjoying relaxed atmosphere.
Friday: 19th May 2013
Friday was the last day of the project Comenius in the Czech Republic. In the morning at six o´clock we escorted the Polish and Czech partners to the airport Sofia. We said goodbye to Czech partners and with Polish we visited The Mall in Sofia to spend some time and to buy something from Bulgaria.Their flight was at 2.p.m..
The turkish
parner was in Pazardzhik and they saw sightseeing in Pazardzhik.Some of our
students escorted them to Plovdiv and Velingrad.
We were together at the evening for the dinner .We were happy to be together
and we discuss to continue and in the future.
The week of the
international project Comenius in Bulgaria was being over which was the full of
mutual understanding, enthusiasm and successful realization of in advance given
goals by all foreign participants who were not only headmasters and teachers,
but mainly students from all participating countries.
Milena Pashova, Bulgarian coordinator of
Comenius project